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Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction
Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction3 days ago
DRUG TAKE BACK DAY is this SATURDAY, APRIL 27th, 10 to 2 p.m. at the Griswold Senior Center. Turn in your Unneeded Medication.
Two community 24-hr NARCAN CABINETS stocked with Narcan, Fentanyl & Xylazine Test Strips are located behind Paragon & Matt’s Mission, 70 Main St, & UCFS Healthcare, 226 E. Main St, Jewett City. Narcan is a LIFE-SAVING medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids. If you or someone you know is at risk for an opioid overdose, especially those struggling with substance use disorders, you should carry Narcan and keep it at home. Please contact Griswold PRIDE @ 860-841-3803 or Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction @ 860-341-1344.
DMHAS 24-HR ACCESS LINE 1-800-563-4086 for TREATMENT including DETOX & Transportation.
Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction
Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction4 days ago
Please join us tonight at 6pm! No need to sign up ahead of time. Just show up!
Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction
Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction1 week ago
We now have TWO 24-hour NARCAN CABINETS in our community stocked with Narcan, Fentanyl & Xylazine Test Strips located behind Paragon & Matt’s Mission, 70 Main St, and at UCFS Healthcare, 226 E. Main St, Jewett City. Narcan is a LIFE-SAVING medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids. Please contact Griswold PRIDE @ 860-841-3803 or Matt's Mission - End the Stigma of Drug Addiction @ 860-341-1344.
Loss of consciousness., Markedly constricted or pinpoint pupils., Breathing difficulties (slowed, labored, and/or irregular breathing), Respiratory arrest (completely stopped breathing). Choking, gurgling, or snoring sounds, Blue or purple lips or fingertips, or Being unresponsive to loud noises, shaking, or painful stimuli.
If you know or suspect that you or someone else is experiencing an overdose, CALL 911.
If you suspect that the person has overdosed on opioids, administering Narcan (naloxone) can often reverse the overdose and save a person’s life. It will have no effect if there aren’t opioids in the person’s system. If the person experiencing a suspected overdose does not respond within 2 to 3 minutes after being given naloxone, a second dose should be given.
Stay with the person until help arrives.
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