Matt's Mission

Matt's Mission - End The Stigma of Drug Addiction
Matt's Mission Logo - End The Stigma Of Drug Addiction



About Matt’s Mission

Matt’s Mission is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. The growing epidemic of addiction is no secret and it is time to start making some changes. Matt’s Mission is not only a tribute to Matthew P. Barrett, our loved one, but also in memory of all who lost their lives to addiction.

We seek to connect individuals battling an addiction to medical care, treatment, and services without shame, blame or arrest. It is an effort to help end the stigma of drug addiction and to raise awareness of addiction as a disease focusing on treatment, not punishment.

All our members are volunteers and committed to ending the stigma associated with addiction, providing education on substance use disorders, and assisting individuals on their road to recovery. Our current attitude, our current way of dealing with this issue is obviously not working in light of the rising drug-related deaths.

Matt's Mission Board & Speakers Pose for A Memorable Photo at the Matt's Mission Celebrates Recovery event in Jewett City, CT
Kelly Barrett (President) and Kathleen Dufficy (Founder, Treasurer) share a moment of laughter with the audience at the Matt Mission Celebrates Recovery event in Southeastern Connecticut.
Matt's Mission marches through Jewett City, CT to spread the word about our mission to end the stigma of drug addiction and support you on your addiction recovery journey.

Matt’s Mission exists to end the stigma and shame of drug addiction. The organization seeks to educate people on the disease of addiction focusing on treatment not punishment, to assist with policy changes creating new paths to treatment, and to unite law enforcement, community and treatment facilities together with individuals suffering from substance use disorders.

The specific objectives and purposes of this organization is:

1. To provide awareness of addiction as a disease focusing on treatment not punishment.

2. To provide pathways into treatment and services for individuals suffering from addiction without shame, blame or arrest.

No child’s dream is to become an addict. No parent intends to raise an addict. It can happen to anyone. No one is immune to the disease of addiction. So when someone judges or says it is their “choice” think again!”

“I choose new beginnings, self-love, forgiveness, possibilities, change, strength, RECOVERY, because I’m worth it!

National Drug Take Back Day

The last Saturday of the months of April & October,
10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Griswold Town Hall,
28 Main Street, Jewett City, CT.

Convenient Drive Through!

Join us for the DEA National Drug Takeback Day. The last Saturday of the months of April & October,10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Griswold Town Hall, 28 Main Street, Jewett City, CT.